Catpawz 🐾

Information sheet

Welcome to my information page! Here you'll find everything to know when interacting with me :), I would be soo thankful if you took your time to read through this

Links: Discord, GIT, Updates


Haiii, I'm Catpawz , here are some key points about me :) (and yes, in case you didn't notice yet, I'm a femboi :3 and kind of the stereotypical dev boi)

I'm suffering from high social anxiety, pleaaase bear with me :") it's also possible that I don't message you much, because I'm scared of annoying you :<

When we first meet, I probably won't open up too much, this happens with time for me as I've been in bad relationships before... sowwy


I'm just a dev doing dev stuff

Generally I spend most of my time programming things, because it's fun for me, and I don't really like playing games where there's a lot of people :c

I started coding because of a minecraft server I owned. At that time we needed a website and I wanted to try development... Well today I maybe have a bit more than basic HTML knowledge... Basically I learned everything thanks to youtube and some AI's

french-femboi's GitHub Stats
french-femboi's GitHub Stats
french-femboi's GitHub Stats


Before you read this: this is just a view I have of myself, you need to know I'm bad at judging and giving worth to myself i'm sowwy

As much as I like calling people, calls are kind of really stressful for me... If i need to tell you something important, i'll probably do it through messages or in person!

Knowing that some people care about me out there, makes me feel way better :")

Generally I do want to talk to you, but I probably won't say a lot because I either misinterpret your "signals" or because I'm scared of annoying you. Pleeaaaase tell me if you want me to write to you a lot or not :")


Heyy I don't only have bad things, theres also some good things

I looove to take and share pictures, and I don't know if it's a good or bad thing so I'll just put it in here And no I don't mean pictures of myself, I mean pictures of things around me :")

I find myself to be a pretty wierd person... Some people also call me a prodigy... I dunno

Other stuff

Uhmmm well... Here are some random facts about me, if you want me to add some, just ask me

Here's some songs I like on spotify:

If you wanna contact me, check out the links at the top :)

Can't believe you actually read through this masterpiece, thank you sooo much

© Catpawz - 2024